Integration of Coffee Area in Marketing Center Offers an Enjoyable Environment for Customers

A Unique Design Concept by Liu Rui

Perhaps, most people are only carrying on their personal businesses on the way of their lives but ignore the happiness belonging to themselves, naturally. For this reason, it is really desirable if there exists such a place where we can freely relax and repose in a short period of time when we go shopping. Therefore, a coffee area integrated in the marketing center for housing service will offer an enjoyable environment for customers to relax and repose, temporally.

The distinct feature of this design by Liu Rui is the integration of a coffee area in the marketing center, providing free beverage services and delicious refreshments. Additionally, the center offers music performances, such as Jazz, to enhance the experience for customers and visitors. The interior design incorporates large ceramic components and customized decorative fixtures, creating a visually appealing space.

The realization of this design involves the use of ceramic technology to create the large components. Lighting and decorative fixtures are customized to complement the design. The furniture features leather and metal textures, while the carpet is designed with flower patterns. Every spatial decorative component is carefully customized to align with the overall design concept.

The project, located in Dalian, China, has a total construction floor area of 1,800 sq. meters. The duration of the project was 60 days. The design team, led by Liu Rui, included Yan Yan Ma and Yu Nan Chen.

The integration of the coffee area into the marketing center offers a seamless interaction for customers. Upon entering the center, customers are greeted by the reception staff who provide a brief introduction to the housing project. Customers then have the opportunity to view the layout of the housing project at the display area. Subsequently, they are guided to the coffee area where they can further discuss the housing information in a relaxed environment, accompanied by complimentary beverages.

The research conducted for this design aimed to understand the impact of integrating a coffee area into the marketing center. Quantitative data was collected by counting the number of people staying in the coffee area hourly over a three-month period. Interviews were also conducted with marketing personnel and customers to gather their opinions on the pros and cons of the coffee area. The research revealed that the coffee area motivated customers to spend more time in the marketing center, resulting in a deeper understanding of the project. Customers also reported feeling a stronger connection to the project after experiencing the coffee area.

The main challenge faced during the design process was merging and integrating the design elements of the coffee area and the marketing center, which had different functions. However, the design team successfully overcame this challenge, creating a cohesive space that seamlessly combines the two functions.

This innovative design by Liu Rui has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2019. The award acknowledges designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and contribute to quality of life improvements. By incorporating a coffee area into the marketing center, Liu Rui has created a space that offers customers an enjoyable and relaxing experience while exploring the housing project.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Rui LIU
Image Credits: Image #1: Creator Rui Liu, First Row, 2018. Image #2: Creator Rui Liu, Attraction, 2018. Image #3: Creator Yu Nan Chen, Fragrant, 2018. Image #4: Yu Nan Chen, Warmth, 2018. Image #5: Creator Yan Yan Ma, Glaring, 2018.
Project Team Members: Rui Liu Yan Yan Ma Yu Nan Chen
Project Name: First Row
Project Client: Rui LIU

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